Customers commission
Version | 1.0.1 |
Downloads | 508 |
Reviews |
Price | $10.45/month or $125.40/year |
| 10.0 |
This add-on allows you to determine a commission rate for sales reps based on the percentage defined in the customer's file, rather than the rates used the invoicing screens.
Here are the industries affected by this add-on :
- Accommodation Service Industries
- Amusement and Recreational Service Industries
- Automotive Vehicles, Parts and Accessories, Sales and Service
- Autres industries manufacturières
- Beverage Industries
- Business Service Industries
- Communication Industries
- Consumer and Business Financing Intermediary Industries
- Deposit Accepting Intermediary Industries
- Educational Service Industries
- Farm Products Industries, Wholesale
- Food and Beverage Service Industries
- Food, Beverage and Drug Industries, Retail
- Food, Beverage, Drug and Tobacco Industries, Wholesale
- General Retail Merchandising Industries
- Household Furniture, Appliances and Furnishings Industries, Retail
- Household Goods Industries, Wholesale
- Imprimerie, édition et industries connexes
- Industries chimiques
- Industries de l'habillement
- Industries de la fabrication des produits métalliques (sauf les industries de la machinerie et du matériel de transport)
- Industries de la machinerie (sauf électrique)
- Industries de première transformation des métaux
- Industries des aliments
- Industries des produits électriques et électroniques
- Industries des produits en caoutchouc
- Industries des produits en matière plastique
- Industries des produits minéraux non métalliques
- Industries des produits raffinés du pétrole et du charbon
- Industries des produits textiles
- Industries du bois
- Industries du cuir et des produits connexes
- Industries du matériel de transport
- Industries du meuble et des articles d'ameublement
- Industries du papier et produits connexes
- Industries du tabac
- Industries du vêtement et de la mercerie, commerce de gros
- Industries textiles de première transformation
- Insurance and Real Estate Agent Industries
- Insurance Industries
- Investment Intermediary Industries
- Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Industries, Wholesale
- Metals, Hardware, Plumbing, Heating and Building Materials, Wholesale
- Motor Vehicle, Parts and Accessories Industries, Wholesale
- Non-Store Retail Industries
- Other Financial Intermediary Industries
- Other Products Industries, Wholesale
- Other Retail Store Industries
- Other Service Industries
- Petroleum Products Industries, Wholesale
- Pipeline Transport Industries
- Real Estate Operators Industries (except Developers)
- Storage and Warehousing Industries
- Transportation Industries
Dynacom Add-on Reviews
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- Useful information on your experience with this product (setup, support, use)
- Impartial information
- Comparisons to previous versions
- 300 characters minimum (about 50 words)
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- Defamatory and disparaging remarks
- Superficial and unnecessary remarks
- Profanity, obscenities, or spiteful remarks
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Company Name |
Contact |
Address |
Phone Number |
(450) 963-2400 |
Phone Number |
1800-565-2266 Canada |
Phone Number |
1800-748-2268 USA |
Phone Number |
(450) 963-3315 (Intl.) |
Website |
http://www.dynacom.com |
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